• The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic intervention process that identifies at risk students.  SAP is available in all buildings within the Pine Grove Area School District.  An at-risk student is one who has emotional, social, behavioral, and/or substance abuse problems which interferes with the learning process.  These problems include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. Academic and behavioral difficulties
    2. Student neglect: physical, psychological & sexual abuse
    3. Student eating disorders
    4. Student pregnancy
    5. Student depression and other mental health disorders
    6. Student truancy and school phobias
    7. Student substance abuse
    8. Attempted suicide, suicide, and death from other causes
    9. Students experiencing homelessness

    The primary objective of SAP is to ensure that Pine Grove Area students receive help in order for them to function successfully in the classroom.

  • How does the SAP process work?

  • Do you see a student showing any of these observable behaviors?

  • Is the student dealing with any of these issues?

  • Referrals:

  • Student Assistance Program (SAP) Referral Form

Pine Grove Area Student Assistance Team Members

  • Elementary

  • Middle School

  • High School