
  • Mr. Renninger


    Mrs. Harner
    Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent


    Mrs. Dermo
    Business Administrator


    Mrs. Ziegmont
    Director of Curriculum and Instruction


    Mr. Kimber
    Director of Special Education


    Dr. Figueroa
    School Psychologist


    Mrs. Clauser
    High School Dean of Students


    Mr. Mentzer
    Middle School Assistant Principal




  • Mrs. Burns
    Elementary School Principal


    Mr. Dunkelberger
    Middle School Principal


    Mr. Janicelli
    High School Principal


    Mr. Hatfield
    Supervisor of Grounds


    Mr. Aungst
    Supervisor of Buildings & Maintenance


    Mr. Snyder
    Director of Buildings & Maintenance


    Mr. Lengle
    Director of Technology