The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic intervention process that identifies at risk students. SAP is available in all buildings within the Pine Grove Area School District. An at-risk student is one who has emotional, social, behavioral, and/or substance abuse problems which interferes with the learning process. These problems include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Academic and behavioral difficulties
- Student neglect: physical, psychological & sexual abuse
- Student eating disorders
- Student pregnancy
- Student depression and other mental health disorders
- Student truancy and school phobias
- Student substance abuse
- Attempted suicide, suicide, and death from other causes
- Students experiencing homelessness
The primary objective of SAP is to ensure that Pine Grove Area students receive help in order for them to function successfully in the classroom.
How does the SAP process work?
- The Student Assistance Team receives referrals from parents, students, teachers, administrators, and other concerned school personnel. Referrals are made by contacting any member of the SAP team.
- After receiving a referral, team members gather information from other staff members who have had contact with the student. A team meeting is convened to determine the status of the referral. Parents are then contacted and asked to provide written consent before SAP services are initiated.
- Together, you and the SAP team will develop a plan of action to help your child achieve success in school and/or access services from a community agency. If necessary, the SAP team will talk with you about services in the community and give you information on how to contact others who may be able to help.
- SAP works most effectively when the referred student, parent(s), SAP member, and if needed, a drug and alcohol and/or mental health counselor work cohesively to support the student.
- The Student Assistance Team receives referrals from parents, students, teachers, administrators, and other concerned school personnel. Referrals are made by contacting any member of the SAP team.
Do you see a student showing any of these observable behaviors?
- Withdrawn
- Unexplained physical injuries
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- Eating disorder
- Anger
- Suicidal tendencies/behavior
- Drop in grades
- Change in peer group
- Change in appearance
- Lying/cheating
Is the student dealing with any of these issues?
- Divorce
- Death of a friend/relative
- Peer pressure
- Abuse
- Parent incarceration
- Pregnancy
- Bullying
- Family problems
- Mental health issues
- Substance use
To make a referral please complete the referral form and submit it to your School’s Counselor, Social Worker, Principal, or SAP team member.
Student Assistance Program (SAP) Referral Form
Pine Grove Area Student Assistance Team Members
Sandra Burns - Principal
Michelle Brand - School Counselor
Kerri Clauser - School Social Worker
Molly Zwiebel - Crisis Intervention Counselor
Kristi Robinson - Teacher
Ashley Withrow - Teacher
Todd Rizzardi - Teacher
Elizabeth White - Teacher
Angela Brand - Teacher -
Middle School
Melissa Mekosh - Principal
Jason Albon - School Counselor
Kerri Clauser- School Social Worker
Mike Griffiths - Teacher
Ron Stump - Teacher
Tracey Bohn - Teacher
Pam Ryan - Teacher
Molly Zwiebel - Crisis Intervention Counselor
Chris Coombe - Teacher
Jessica Lyons - Nurse -
High School
Michael Janicelli - Principal
Keri Clauser - Dean of Students
Breanna Morgan - School Counselor
Dave Shiffer - School Counselor
Mickayla Backo - School Social Worker
Leigh Herber - School Nurse
Gerald Salen - Teacher