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- 2022-23 Budget Items
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2022-2023 PGASD Preliminary Budget Update
On May 19, 2022, after months of planning, the PGASD School Board, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, unanimously approved a balanced zero deficit preliminary budget for the 2022-2023 school year. The balanced zero deficit preliminary budget does NOT include a tax increase. A vote on the final budget will occur at the June 16, 2022 board meeting.
A few preliminary budget highlights:
The preliminary budget includes no tax increase for the 2022-2023 school year
- The preliminary budget includes extended discount and face due dates for real estate taxpayers
- The preliminary budget includes additional funding for expanding School Mental Health Services, Technology, and Special Education
- Contingency funds have been reserved for unpredictable Cyber/Charter expenses in 2022-23
- Contingency funds have been reserved for transfer to Capital Projects for future projects
- The preliminary budget includes a long term debt service payment expenditure of $2,031,465
- The PGASD School Board continues to work towards its goal of eliminating long term debt which will occur on February 15, 2024.